Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cardiac Tissue and Pair-Bonding

Having emotions is a different world, a whole other body-parallel, than having romantic emotions. People can hurt you or make you glow no matter which options you come equipped with, but having romantic feelings is like grafting testicles and a penis to your heart. On the one hand, when someone makes your heart run fast, it's even more... satisfying. On the other, when it gets broke or bruised, you've also got to deal with having been punched in the nuts. Either way, things are messier. Fluids and discolorations everywhere. It makes the target more sensitive to pleasure and pain, but also punched in the nuts. That's the main point here. And having all that unthinking motive tissue so close to the head only makes you stupid as it tears all the blood from your brain to fuel heart palpitations and fruitless erections. It makes you aggressive, makes you want to fight or fall or fuck. It's ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

I blame the oxytocin.


Anonymous said...

The unexpected gut punch of a primal and ancient emotion and the brain scurries around trying to make sense of it, society and religion try to regulate and control it, train it up to perform on cue, with varying success. Well here we are, for the most part the product of its machinery. How could we think to escape it, and why would we want to?

The Professor said...

But I DID escape it, once. It was a worthwhile place to be, either emotionless or without romance.

Of course, I'm a big believer in taking our core definitions and helping them fight off all parts of us that don't work for them. And if pair-bonding brings down a bigger sadness than it can justify, or a bigger bruise than it has a steak to cover, maybe it needs to be taken down. There're plenty of other good emotions, passions to fuel you forward, give you something to hold on to. If it doesn't work, fix it. If it can't be fixed, throw it away.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're wrong. I hope it all gets better very soon. Have a wonderful time at break.